LITIO 2.0 is a sheet metal add-on for AutoCAD, GStarCAD, ZwCAD and BricsCAD [and cadmate], that calculates and draws the flat sheet development of ducts, rectangle-to-round transitions, cylinders, cones, pipe intersections, connections, Ys, elbows, etc.
It is very easy to use and very versatile. It is ideal for the sheet metal-processing industry: for tanks, vessels, hoppers, cyclones, dust extraction, HVAC, ducts, conveying systems, silos, piping, etc.
Download you FREE TRIAL now!
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I was looking for a program that can layout ductwork pieces quickly and easily and came across LITIO2 program. It is easy to use. Excellent value for what you get. Great program! Don Setzler
Monroe, MI - USA
Check more customer's testimonials.
Litio 2.0 runs within AutoCAD, GStarCAD, ZwCAD and BricsCAD [and cadmate] as an add-on, pluggin program.
At the moment of the publication of this webpage, it works within:
CADMATE USERS: Preliminary tests of LITIO2 for GStarCAD within CADMATE are promising, and
indicate that LITIO2 [GstarCAD version] might work withing CADMATE.
Although we have not run an extensive research yet, we encourage CADMATE
user to download LITIO2 TRIAL [GstarCAD version] and make their own tests.
Your feedback would be much appreciated!
Please check Litio 2.0 compatibility with your CAD system (feel free to Download the FREE Trial version).
* Some restrictions apply [see user manual].
Check the following video play list. It will provide you with an overview of LITIO2 sheet metal, how to get started, the basic patterns and the advanced features.
LITIO 2.0 is listed...
I use LITIO2 software to draw tapered cones (and other ductwork parts) to a flat pattern. I love the fact that I can control the points that the measurements I input are applied (in mid out). That is huge. () Litio2 is an incredible value and a very useful tool. You did a great job developing it! Herman Moats
Erie, PA - USA